Having crash-landed in the Sahara desert, a pilot comes across a young boy who introduces himself as the Little Prince and tells him the story of how he grew up on a tiny asteroid before travelling across the galaxies and coming to Earth. His encounters and discoveries, seen through childlike, innocent eyes, give rise to candid reflections on life and human nature. Presented here in a new translation by Gregory Norminton and featuring the author s own watercolour illustrations, The Little Prince has become a classic philosophical fable for young and old.
The Little Prince is one of a kind and this new edition is true to the atmospherically factual style of the fantasy. --The School Librarian Journal
About the Author
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-44) was a French writer and aviator, who disappeared on a reconnaissance mission during the Second World War. The author of several novels about flying, he is best remembered today for the children s book The Little Prince.