V roce 2012 se součástí Nakladatelství Slovart stalo nakladatelství Brio. Nakladatelství Brio vydávalo ve spolupráci s předními spisovateli a výtvarníky nádherně ilustrované originální příběhy a sbírky pohádek pro děti od šesti do dvanácti let. Pro starší děti, mládež a dospělé Brio nabízelo sebrané spisy pohádek a bajek od renomovaných spisovatelů, doplněné o to nejlepší z klasické literatury celého světa. V této tradici pokračujeme také my v rámci stejnojmenné edice.

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Obrazové knihy

Rebel Music: Bob Marley & Roots Reggae

Kate Simon
‘This collection of timeless photographs gives us an up close inside look at this uniquely complex man and brilliant iconic artist who forever changed the world. One love…’ – Lenny...
Internetová cena: 1 032,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 1 290,00 Kč
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Grand Bikepacking Journeys

Stefan Amato
Providing independence, a sense of reward and a closeness to nature, cycling offers one of the best modes of exploration. With more people packing their panniers each year, Grand...
Internetová cena: 1 192,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 1 490,00 Kč
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Venture Onward: The Design and Curiosities of 1924us

Christian Watson
The beauty of nostalgia: 1924US aka Christian Watson revives modern brands with analog craftsmanship. Venture Onward takes us into the world of Watson's creative studio, 1924US....
Internetová cena: 1 272,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 1 590,00 Kč
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The Parklands: Trails and Secrets from the National Parks of the United States

Yosemite. Grand Canyon. Death Valley. Big Sur. Covering a remarkable 84 million acres, rich in wildlife and history, these astonishing spaces are full to the brim with natural wonders. Home...
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Extraordinary Collections: French Interiors, Flea Markets, Ateliers

Marin Montagut, Laura Fronty, Pierre Musellec
The art of collecting and accumulating kindred objects―from artist’s palettes still freckled with oil paint, to hand carved picture frames, to a menagerie of toy animals―is at the core of...
Internetová cena: 912,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 1 140,00 Kč
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Puss in Books: Our best-loved writers on their best-loved cats

Paul Magrs
A charming collection of quotes about cats from our favourite authors, accompanied by artwork in the trademark style of Paul Magrs (author of The Panda, the Cat and the Dreadful Teddy). ‘I...
Internetová cena: 319,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 399,00 Kč
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Ibiza: The Coolest Hotspots

Conrad White
A photographic celebration of the unique look of Ibiza architecture, including houses, bars, beach clubs, restaurants, hotels in the most beautiful locations. This is a new guide to Ibiza...
Internetová cena: 792,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 990,00 Kč
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Garden: Exploring the Horticultural World

Matthew Biggs
A richly illustrated survey celebrating humankind’s enduring relationship with the garden, explored throughout art, science, history, and culture Garden takes readers on a journey across...
Internetová cena: 1 272,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 1 590,00 Kč
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Heroes: Women in Snowboarding

Jérôme Tanon
A tribute to the ‘independent and bad-ass women’ of snowboarding Featured snowboarders share their personal stories Illustrated with stunning snowboarding & mountain imagery ...
Internetová cena: 519,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 649,00 Kč
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Mini Stories by Scout Editions

Scout Editions
Mini Stories by Scout Editions invites readers to delve into the hidden histories and enchanting tales behind the everyday objects and wonders that surround us. Mini Stories came about from...
Internetová cena: 519,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 649,00 Kč
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The Christmas Book

Sam Bilton, Dolph Gotelli
A visual celebration of Christmas, from religious beginnings to festive cultural touchstones – a book to treasure This book is a unique and groundbreaking visual celebration of Christmas,...
Internetová cena: 992,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 1 240,00 Kč
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Andy Warhol. Seven Illustrated Books 1952–1959

Nina Schleif, Reuel Golden
Andy Warhol’s 1950s hand-drawn books, created during his pre-fame years, are much-coveted jewels in the Pop art master’s crown. This XL volume contains meticulous reprints of all seven...
Internetová cena: 1 432,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 1 790,00 Kč
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The Hats of the Queen

Thomas Pernette
The Hats of the Crown examines 50 iconic headpieces adorned by the Queen during her reign, uncovering the royal, political and fashion landscape of the time. In her 70 years in power,...
Internetová cena: 672,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 840,00 Kč
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Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries. 40th Anniversary Edition

Massimo Listri, Elisabeth Sladek
Bibliophiles, rejoice! In this rapturous photographic journey, Massimo Listri travels to some of the oldest and finest libraries to celebrate their architectural and historical wonder. From...
Internetová cena: 599,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 749,00 Kč
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The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta

Dan Nadel, Zak Smith, Dian Hanson
Frank Frazetta has reigned as the undisputed lord of fantasy art for 50 years, his fame only growing in the 12 years since his death. His high energy oils of Tarzan, Conan, Vampirella and...
Internetová cena: 3 352,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 4 190,00 Kč
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The Magic Book

Jim Steinmeyer, Mike Caveney, Ricky Jay, Noel Daniel
Take a truly magical mystery tour with this sparkling compendium of magic and trickery from medieval thaumaturgies to 20th-century showmen. Featuring hundreds of rarely seen vintage...
Internetová cena: 759,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 949,00 Kč
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Queen Elizabeth II. A Photographic Portrait

Philip Ziegler, Emma Blau
A revised edition of a compelling photographic history of Queen Elizabeth II’s life and reign This book is a photographic portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, from her first official photograph...
Internetová cena: 1 032,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 1 290,00 Kč
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David Byrne: Arboretum

David Byrne
An intimate, enigmatic glimpse into the mind of the legendary musician and internationally bestselling author of How Music Works. With a new introduction by the author For over thirty...
Internetová cena: 519,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 649,00 Kč
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Jazz Covers. 40th Anniversary Edition

Joaquim Paulo, Julius Wiedemann
This striking collection of jazz covers presents the designs that defined jazz, from the 1940s to the early 1990s. Each cover reproduction, spanning photographic and illustrative works, is...
Internetová cena: 599,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 749,00 Kč
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Funk & Soul Covers. 40th Anniversary Edition

Joaquim Paulo, Julius Wiedemann
Psychedelia meets Black Power, sexual liberation meets social conscience, and street portraiture meets fantastical comic art in this epic volume of groove. Complete with cultural context,...
Internetová cena: 599,00 Kč
Běžná cena: 749,00 Kč
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