Vážení zákazníci, do 10. 2. probíhá inventura našeho skladu. Objednávky vytvořené v tomto období budou expedovány až po jejím ukončení. Děkujeme za pochopení.
Filled to the brim with images, the 1930s Scrapbook overflows with nostalgia for those who remember that extraordinary era. For those who do not, this wealth of imagery provides a vivid insight into a time when sliced bread had just reached the table and Butlin's holiday camps had recently opened. Life in the 1930s for many was not easy; for others, who had known Victorian times, the pace of change was frightening, and 'modern' life led to 'nerve tension'. Yet change brought a better standard of living and numerous new products helped the daily routine. By the end of the 1930s, television held exciting promise for the future, but a growing tension focused on impending war.
Hardback cover with high quality image print on matt paper
Published by the Museum of Brands
Compiled by Robert Opie founder of the Museum of Brands
Full Scrapbook series includes 10 books covering the following subjects: Victorian, Edwardian, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, Wartime, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, Royal